Seven Ways To Cleanse Your Tarot Cards


Use these easy techniques to cleanse the energy of your Tarot deck and get the most out of your readings.

Under the Full Moon

We can harness the powerful, feminine energy and ancient cosmic wisdom of the Moon to super-charge our Tarot deck. On the evening of a Full Moon, place your Tarot cards by a window, or even outside, and let lunar energy offer a deep cleanse and rejuvenation.

Using crystal energy 

Crystals carry an innate healing power, and just as they fire up our intuition, attract abundance, cleanse our aura and clear our mind, they can bring a specific energy to your Tarot deck too. Clear Quartz will cleanse the deck of stagnant energy, Amethyst will amplify the energy of the cards and strengthen your intuition, and a piece of Hematite will offer grounding while absorbing negative energies that may be stuck in there. Place the crystals on top of the deck, cover with a piece of your clothing and leave overnight to restore your connection to the cards.  


Visual Meditation

Take a long, deep breath while holding your cards and begin to visualise a pure and harmonious white light flowing around them. If you work with spirit guides, take a moment to call them in. If you’d like to set an intention for your reading, begin to focus your attention on the Third Eye Chakra and see your intention unfolding. Open your eyes, and you’re ready to get started! 

Herbal cleansing

Herbal smoke cleansing a simple ritual with significant benefit. Creating a herbal blend using ethically sourced Palo Santo, Rosemary, Juniper or Mugwort will enhance psychic abilities, clear negative energies and offer protection to your practice. Let the smoke blow through the cards several times and then open a window to clear your space of whatever needs to be released.



Sound is one of the most powerful ways to clear energy. Singing bowls, drums, bells and rattles are among some of the most effective instruments to use when it comes to shifting and resetting energy in a Tarot deck. Place your cards inside a singing bowl or hold them close as the sound bathes them – shifting any unwanted energy out of the deck and raising the vibration of your readings.

Wrap them up in Bay Leaves

Bay Leaves are renowned for their various magical properties, and those powerful energies will enhance any Tarot cleanse too.  Said to ward off evil spirits, Bay Leaves can introduce a deep healing and protection element to your readings, while also amplifying your psychic abilities. Wrap your deck in a bundle of Bay Leaves and leave for at least a couple of days if you can.

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