How To Develop Your Intuition
Five easy steps to access that inner magic…
01. Take time in silence
Start with 3-minutes and each day add on another minute until you reach 10. Make sure your phone is out of reach, music is off and you’re in a spot where you won’t be distracted. What comes up for you? A lot of us will rarely sit in complete silence, but you’ll be surprised what intuitive pings come through when you remove all distractions. Wherever your mind goes, explore that. Hold crystals to deepen the experience.
02. Journal your dreams
Our conscious mind is busy – really, really busy! During the day our intuitive muscle is likely to be pushed to one side, while our traits of ‘logic & reason’ spring into action. Loud, busy and stressful work environments won’t help that either, which is why some time in silence can be the perfect reset (see point 1.)
As we sleep however, our conscious mind goes into rest mode – creating the space for messages to be channeled. So pay attention to your dreams and what comes up for you. Journal upon waking to notice any patterns & cycles the occur.
03. Create and reflect
Messages will be received differently for each of us. Some people may experience a physical ‘gut’ feeling, others a visual image. Some of us might hear a voice or spot synchronies and symbols such as angel numbers.
Get to know your own inner dialogue. Create art, write, dance, ask for signs and reflect upon situations from the past where your intuition was right (and possibly ignored). Like any other muscle, we have to build it through various exercises.
04. Consult your body
Bring awareness to each situation you find yourself in. Before, during and after certain conversations explore how you feel. How do you physically respond to your surroundings? Who and what makes you feel light, calm and at peace? Who and what makes you feel heavy? The body talks – and the more we listen, the louder it gets.
Daily pulls with your Tarot or Oracle cards can give you gentle nods in the right direction too.
05. Feel all the feels
This one is simple, got off auto-pilot and be lead by those emotions. When it comes to making a decision – even one as simple as what to have for dinner – feel your way to the answer. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths and become aware of what feels good. Let go of overthinking.
Being lead by your heart will help you get into a state of “flow”, allowing your to live more authentically and manifest quicker too!